Battle to Survive as I Recover- Rent Food medical
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Kahlil is a poet, writer, former driver who is making a 2nd go at life after surviving multiple assaults and other personal tragedies. She refers to herself as KS while writing and goes out of her way to encourage friends and other writers to pursue their goals and dreams. Now Kahlil needs help and encouragement.
Kahlil worked as a driver full-time to support herself, and fund her education as a writer, to cover living costs like rent, insurance and food as well as writing conferences, and travel associated with her training. She began working as a driver, for the time freedom it afforded her to be able to travel as residencies became available.
She was injured twice in a year while working her full-time job as a driver. After the 1st injury and long, hard therapy sessions, Kahlil was able to go back to work to support herself out of necessity but not long after she returned to her job she was struck again, late at night, by an underage driver ending her ability to drive at all and transitioning to work from home has been slow to say the least.
Not fully healed from the 1st injuries nor fully recovered financially, she's forced to ask for help to pay for monthly rent insurance and food. The ask you see here is very basic which covers rent, and insurance, phone and food only. Over the last year, she's had to constantly prioritize rent over seeking the remainder of the medical treatment that she needs from the 2nd wreck.
Please help Kahlil (KS) to pay basic costs like rent, insurance, phone and food. This month she will also have an added expense of $150 associated with the wreck itself as she continues to fight to finalize the legal aspects of being hurt in this way.
All amounts are appreciated and accepted. As Kahlil (KS) says, the power of the community is amazing and don't let anyone think their little bit can't help.
Thank you for reading. God bless, please keep KS in your prayers.
Kahlil Hernandez
Austell, GA