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Ashleigh’s Journey to Recovery

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Over the last 6 months, Ashleigh has endured so much. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, doctors released Ashleigh to continue her care at home with her mother. This did not come without challenges. The first few months she had many visits to the ER, as many as 5 in one week. The pain was excruciating and sometimes unbearable. She still had wounds when leaving the hospital. Her wounds needed daily care and her mother had to change her dressings daily. She needed help with everything from walking down the hall, to showering. She had daily appointments to the hospital for the first month, not including the constant ER visits. She now see multiple specialists for many reasons. She goes to physical therapy multiple times a week. We don’t know exactly what the future holds, but we do know she faces years worth of reconstructive surgeries and surgeries to repair nerve damage. We appreciate all the love and support from friends, family, all the medical professionals helping her and the community. Original Post - Ashleigh is a beautiful 22 year old girl who contracted a rare necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating Bactria) from a recent medical procedure performed in Henderson.  The infection has been very aggressive and spread throughout her body, lowering her pulse and blood pressure, shutting down major organs and at one scary point stopping her heart. Unfortunately stabilizing her vitals continues to be a daunting  task.  She had to start dialysis before they could perform the surgery to remove all the dead tissue over a vast amount of her body. She is currently on life support and in need of transfer to a specialized care unit in attempt to stop the spread of the infection and save Ashleigh's life. This is a precarious situation and a long road ahead for everyone in her family.  Ashleigh recently changed jobs and does not have insurance. Andrea, is a single mom and will be missing a great deal of work. It will require a tremendous amount of prayers, support, time and energy. Please help Ashleigh and the Cope family as they continue to fight through this.


  • Anónimo
    • $500 
    • 4 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

H. D
Henderson, NV
Douglas Cope

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