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Ashley Documentary

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Hello friends and family of Ashley Rogers,

As many of you know, I've been working on a documentary for Ashley, interviewing those she was closest to. I'm so grateful for everyone's involvement thus far; it's been healing to hear stories, bond over Ashley-isms, and remind myself how many lives she changed.

This film is going to paint her life as she wanted it. Her mountain of online content will be featured along with music and films she loved. The 11 minute preview is an evening I spent with Ben Hauser in Los Angeles. This is to show you my direction and help describe the honesty and the space I'm hoping to fill.

At the end of 2017 I filmed in Virginia where she spent a lot of time and many best friends reside. I got to interview some of the Leesberg gang, Alexandria family, and Dave Trachtenberg in Maryland. The last stage of filming was shot in October 2018, where I spent time with Ashley's mom, close friends, family, professors and students near Daytona. Still doing a couple last interviews, including filming Skype sessions for those who were unavailable during filming.

Continuing to edit and put together this story. It's been a financial and technical fight -- I'm very grateful for your support. 

Looking forward to sharing what we make together.

With love,
Michael Foster

Courtesy of Terri, Ashley's Mom:
She makes broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walks with the universe on her shoulders and makes it look like a pair of wings. She is a whirlwind of crazy chaos but she is so damn passionate, that she is worth it. She loves life and it loves her right back. She belongs to no man or land. She is hers before she is anybody else's.


  • Heather Waters
    • $100 (Donazione offline)
    • 2 yrs
  • Amy Biedenbach
    • $100 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Dan Leonard
    • $100 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • David Saunders
    • $25 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Chelsea Huebner
    • $35 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs


Michael Foster
Los Angeles, CA

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