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WODFF - ALA - Stair Climb -LA Memorial Coliseum

Steuerlich absetzbar
Please Support LAFD Members, led by Rico Gross as Team "Disaster Slayers"

We are raising funds for three charities, American Lung Association, Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighters Fund, and the Fire Foundation.

The event will be The American Lung Association Stair Climb at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for Cancer Awareness and those we have lost. On February 26th the team will traverse the Elite 2500 Step Course to fundraise in support of those fallen and Cancer awareness. As we run this event "train as our lives depend on it, because it does" please donate to one of the charities to support fallen firefighters and their families.

Our goal is $5,000. Help us surpass that!

If you wish to join, the event offers a Walk, Jog, or Run tailored to your goals and fitness level. So SUIT UP!! Join us, compete against us, and above all, support the cause and our families.

Use HERO2023 discount code and the QR code will take people directly to your team page so they can register or donate directly to ALA - (Donate here 'Go Fund ME" for WODFF)I also attached the ALA volunteer flyers.

More information about WODFF: For more than 115 years, the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter's Fund has served the needs of firefighters as they risk their lives in the line of duty. Whether they are saving lives in Los Angeles or providing assistance during global disasters, the members of the LAFD know that they and their families have someone to turn to for help should the unthinkable happen. WODFF provides assistance to widows so they will be able to afford the housing, food, and clothing that they and their families need.


Rico Gross
Los Angeles, CA
Widows Orphans and Disabled Firefighters Fund

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