Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund
Amidst the slough of politicians, media and citizen fear mongers supporting irrational COVID “public health orders” that shut down small businesses while allowing corporate big-box stores to remain open... one small business is standing up for the rights of the “little guys” like you and me to get out and earn a living too.
Ontario’s Adamson BBQ has been opening every day to serve people lunch. And owner Adam Skelly is paying a high price for carrying that cudgel of liberty. Over the past 24 hours he’s been hit with numerous fines totalling tens of thousands of dollars for violating unconstitutional and draconian COVID “public health orders.”
All because he refuses to let your politicians—who are out there enjoying their fat salaries that we all pay for, wag their fingers at us and tell us we don’t have a right to earn a living too. After all, “we’re all in this together” right?
I don’t know him but I do know that guys like Adam are in short supply during this overblown COVID nonsense. And he deserves our support.
So c’mon.
If we’re not going to be out there leading by example, let’s at least kick in $100, $75, $50 or whatever you can afford to help Adam fight this fight for us.
If we’re not willing to kick in a few bucks to help Adam fight for our freedoms, then maybe we don’t deserve them.
Don’t put this aside for later. Every fine, every police visit, every daily scolding by some fat cat politician is chipping away at Adam’s courage. Show him that he’s not alone.
Donate now.