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Help to give Raven her wings

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Hello, my Name is Raven. I am 6 weeks old, born in Saudi Arabia, under a heap of scrap metal surrounded in nothing but trash and sand. My mummy did her best to look after me and my siblings but she too was starving and thirsty and not all of us made it.

One day a human came across my mummy, she was scared because every other human had kicked her or thrown things at us to hurt us, but this human was different, he sat in the rubbish with my mummy for over an hour waiting until she went to him and then he gave her water, and gave her food!! For the next 3 days he would come twice a day and feed everyone, he even made a house for everyone to sleep in, it's so cold at night in the desert.

Every time he would come I would wish that I could have the strength to let him know I was here but I was too weak to stand, too weak to even make a sound, I had given up all hope and from this hiding place all I could do is wait until it took me too...

Until one day the human was cleaning the area and he found me!!! He could see how bad I was, and he took me with him. He bottle fed me until I was strong again, he helped me to walk again and gave me delicious food. He even snuck me into a hotel in his bag! Gave me a bath and I smell so good! And I had a big bed all to myself! He gave me lots of cuddles and he said he called me Raven, because the Ravens were waiting for me... 

My Human has to go back to England...and I would very much like to go with him. I am asking for any help from my fellow doggies and their human friends...anything will be appreciated, I need roughly £1000 to go home with him....if we are so lucky and have any excess money I want to give to the shelter that my human dropped my mummy and siblings off at, to help my brother and sisters find their humans.

Thank you for helping me spread my wings....

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  • Anonyme
    • £40 
    • 6 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Jasmine Simpson
Chris Ambler

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