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Kerri's Hope Memorial Fund

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Kerri Kanning is a teacher, a dancer, a warrior of God, a wonderful mom and an amazing wife. Kerri was diagnosed with breast cancer originally in 2004.  She fought and survived the breast cancer from 2004-2005.  She was officially in remission in April of 2010. March 2015, Kerri was re-diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. She has been receiving chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and cyber knife treatment since her diagnosis. Her body has quit responding to all treatments, and she is currently in the hospital battling kidney failure, dehydration, malnutrition, and severe stomach/digestive issues. 

God is great and has shown his hand in protecting Kerri and her family thus far. Kerri has an amazing support system, and has been receiving love, support and prayers from all around the U.S.  

We love our mom dearly, and we want to make sure she is as comfortable and pain free as possible throughout this process. We would love to spend her birthday and Christmas with her, in our home surrounded by kids and grandkids. In order to do so, Kerri will require extensive in home medical attention that will be very costly.

 This Go Fund Me account has been set up in hopes of raising money for Kerri and her family. The donations will assist with maximizing the care and treatment Kerri receives while she is home with her family. We are overwhelmed by your generosity, both financially and in prayer support and thank you for standing with us through these hard times.

Please pray for continued healing for our mom.

Thank you for the support on the behalf of the Kanning family.


  • Emily Morehous
    • $10 
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Chloe' Kanning
Billings Metropolitan Area, MT
Jeff Kanning

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