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Welcome Home

The LifeHouse is an integrated shelter for adult female victims of human trafficking. Our program is geared at meeting the individual needs and recovery goals of our residents and includes medical, mental, and emotional care. We are staffed by a case manager, a house manager, and clinical partners to provide victims with various services such as art and equine therapy, health care, legal assistance, and occupational training. Our program consists of three phases where a survivor can heal and begin her transition into recovery.

The LifeHouse has a capacity of 6 women. To support ONE (1) woman for an entire year with all of her living expense as well as a complete therapeutic program costs $29,640.

The total for six women is $177,840 per year.

Each woman that comes through the doors of The LifeHouse is valuable and worthy to be loved and cared for. We truly are privileged to say "Welcome Home."

Donativos (1)

  • Anónimo
    • $50 
    • 9 mos


Lowell Hochhalter
Missoula, MT
Lifeguard Group Inc (LifeHouse)

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