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As a long-time friend of Stuart Hoffman and Jennifer Edwards, I am thrilled to launch this GoFundMe campaign on their behalf – simple way to raise the funds they need to provide pro bono (no charge) anthem-writing services to WAFA (Water Air Food Awards) . WAFA is a non-profit, environmentally-savvy organization, based in Denmark, whose mission it is to identify and award “silent heroes” around the world – innovators whose low-cost, high-impact solutions are making a profound difference in their villages, towns, and communities. The text that follows is from Stuart.
"Inspired by teen climate change activist, Greta Thunberg’s fierce determination, focus, and love of our planet, Jennifer and I have recently written an anthem entitled One Lit Candle .
As fate would have it, just a few days after we completed our anthem, the movers and shakers at WAFA heard our song, loved, it, and, in service to their newly launched Youth Climate Award , posted it on their website. Talk about synchronicity! Wow!
A few weeks after "One Lit Candle" was posted on the WAFA website, Jennifer and I were invited to perform the song in Glasgow, Scotland, with a children’s choir, at the United Nation’s COP26 Climate Conference next November – a conference to be attended by 30,000 UN delegates.
Greta has since received the Time Person of the Year Award and “One Lit Candle” has been getting an increasing amount of recognition, touching hearts around the world. For this, we are extremely grateful.
As you might imagine, this unexpected turn of events has opened our minds and hearts to the potential impact our music can have to reach millions of people. It has also opened our eyes to just how important it is for us to respond to this calling and create the time we need to continue offering our services, pro bono, to WAFA
Here’s how we intend to use the $12,500 we hope our GoFundMe campaign will generate.
1. UPGRADE THE PRODUCTION OF "ONE LIT CANDLE": In spite of the fact that our anthem is being embraced around the world, it is still, essentially, only a demo. To maximize the song’s impact, production values need upgrading, i.e. studio musicians (bass, guitar, drums, backing vocals), pre-production mix, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, along with a children’s choir and the hiring of an orchestra and the studio time associated with both. ($5,000)
2. WRITING, PRODUCING, AND RECORDING "SILENT HEROES” -- WAFA’S THEME SONG: WAFA’s mission is to identify, award, and promote our planet’s “Silent Heroes” – unheralded people working diligently in their villages, communities, and towns to ensure clean water, clean air, and healthy food for as many people as possible. Jennifer and I want to write the song/anthem that honors these silent heroes, so WAFA has yet another way to get the word out and increase the odds their efforts bearing fruit. Currently, WAFA does not have the funds to pay for our services, which is why we are reaching out to you and the rest of our community so we can gift them with the "Silent Heroes" anthem. ($5,000)
3. PREPARING TO PERFORM AT THE 2020 UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE: As noted above, WAFA has asked us to perform One Lit Candle with a children’s choir in Glasgow. In order to prepare for this amazing opportunity, I will need to write the choir parts, score the piece, rehearse with a local choir in LA, and collaborate, virtually, with the Glasgow choir director. ($2,500)
So there you have it, friends -- our dream to help make the world a better place through our partnership with WAFA (one of whose patrons is Prem Rawat). Anything you can contribute is very much appreciated, as well as whatever efforts you can make to help us get the word out to as many people as possible."
One Lit Candle and Greta video
Other anthems and song projects of ours
“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” - Kahlil Gibran
Organizer and beneficiary
Mitch Ditkoff
Woodstock, NY
Stuart Hoffman