How to donate to Crisis

| 3 min read Charity

Crisis is a charity helping anyone who is experiencing homelessness. Their aim is to work together with those who are struggling to try and end the problem for good. If you’d like to support Crisis, you can donate today or even start your own GoFundMe in aid of them. 

About the charity

Crisis was founded in London back in 1967, but they now operate across the UK in various locations such as Newcastle, Oxford, Edinburgh and South Yorkshire. Along with providing on the ground support for those who need it, they also campaign and commission research into homelessness and the issues that surround it.

Crisis charity campaigns

Crisis at Christmas

Alongside their regular services, Crisis also runs Crisis at Christmas. They offer food, warmth and a friendly face to those who are struggling around the festive period. This particular service from Crisis has been running since 1972 and they have more than 10,000 volunteers. 

Crisis Skylight Centres

Crisis also run Skylight Centres across various locations in the UK. Skylight Centres offer advice, training and education. They host things like workshops and opportunities for training and employment, too. There’s also a Skylight Cafe in London, which opened in 2002. 

Benefits and employment

Crisis campaigns to ensure that the UK benefit system is working to prevent homelessness and provide sufficient support for people who need help to overcome housing problems. The charity actively raises awareness of issues related to housing benefit, such as how recent changes have adversely affected people at risk of homelessness, and how the benefit has not kept up with rising housing costs.

Rough sleeping

Crisis wants to end rough sleeping, where people who are homeless have to sleep outside or in places that aren’t designed for a person to live. They explore the issues of rough sleepers being punished by anti-social behaviour measures simply for sleeping rough, the fact that rough sleeping can lead to other issues such as isolation or loneliness and also how the number of rough sleepers is rising across the UK.

How the charity uses donations

The charity aims to support those who are homeless but also to try and end the cycle of homelessness. According to the charity’s annual reviews, in 2021/22 they:

  • Sustainably ended the homelessness of 1,581 people
  • Helped 278 people to successfully find jobs
  • Responded to 6,473 calls and emails from people seeking advice from their frontline London team
  • Distributed 461 smartphones to combat isolation in those experiencing homelessness

How to donate to Crisis

If you’re touched by the work Crisis does and you’d like to donate, there are a number of ways that you can easily do it. You can donate online, by setting up a single donation or one that reoccurs monthly. You can also leave a gift in your will, donate cryptocurrencies or shares and even support them through their Depop shop.

And if you need some inspiration on some of the other wonderful charities out there, we’ve got a blog post dedicated to just that.

Written by dina