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Dear Ange Needs Our Help

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Dear friends, some of you may be aware that Ange Sang, who is my beloved friend and confidante, has experienced an arduous journey to regain her health.  Few people realize how ongoing the battle has become, and the dangers of time-sensitive illness in her country,  Australia.  There is an immense lack of support, acknowledgement and specialized medical treatment required to cure the afflictions that Ange suffers.  This has led to an 8+ year battle, and the impact of her illness left untreated has now become critical. 

To help you understand what she is up against, the following lists the typical daily symptoms of chronic Lyme Disease and Stage-3 Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) from which she suffers: 

- Severe fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Low blood pressure
- Chronic inflammation (GI and muscular)
- Muscular pain / Fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal dysfunction / Inability to digest food
- "Leaky Gut Syndrome" (Intestinal Permeability), subsequent pain & bloating
- Major food sensitivities requiring extensive dietary restrictions
- Compromised thyroid due to viral & toxic die-off overload
- Overburdened lymphatic system which results in impaired drainage, swelling, fluid retention, illogical weight gain
- Partial paralysis of the colon due to viral overload and systemic bacterial infection;  constipation,  use of enemas/colonic therapy
- Skin disorders resulting from an overburdened liver
- Photosensitivity and visual disturbances
- Auditory sensitivity
- Overall sensory overload  (over-stimulation/exhaustion in crowded spaces)
- Chemical sensitivity
- Extreme sensitivity to electronics / EMFs
- Impaired cognitive function
- Circulatory dysfunction
- Anxiety/Depression

My darling, bright, and caring friend; my precious confidante who is like a daughter to me is being robbed of her youth and, quite literally, a life. Simple tasks are exhausting for her and leave her feeling depleted for hours...showering and washing her hair; domestic chores; meal preparation - to name a few. Imagine having to grocery shop and manage basic responsibilities under such circumstance. It breaks my heart that I am unable to be there for her as she is extremely isolated. 

You should know about our unique history…
We met during an online writers workshop in October of 2016. We agree that it was "meant to be", as there were over 500 participants sharing their personal writing every day for 6 weeks, yet we bonded almost immediately. Our writing, although quite different, revealed our kindred spirits. Ange reached out to me at the closing of the course which I welcomed gladly. We began to connect with one another, which fast became a daily ritual. Nearly two years on, and nothing has changed, despite our living on opposite sides of the planet - she in Australia, and I in the United States!

Over time, as Ange and I began to reveal more about our lives, it became evident that we shared a lot more in common than our love of writing. We discovered that we both battle chronic illness. I deeply relate to the devastating effects of the Epstein Barr virus; the Lyme disease diagnosis and compromised immune system; awful co-infections, and much more. I understand how sick Ange is and how relentlessly she must strive to regain her health. I know the anguish, fear, and frustration she feels, the despair of being unable to work to earn an income or spend quality time with the people she loves. Even basic eating proves a nightmare because her organs and digestive tract are seriously compromised by the viruses and systemic bacterial infection that plague her. Such things, which so many take for granted, seem an impossible dream for my beloved friend. Her sick body is a virtual prison. Ange's loneliness, overwhelming financial struggles, and years of being passed from one medical practitioner to another seem endless. Hers has been a heartbreaking quest for help so far, to no avail.

Ange is now experiencing the advanced stages of her illness. Her liver, completely over-burdened with toxins created by the viruses, is no longer able to flush them from her system. As if that isn't bad enough, she is also experiencing a systemic bacterial infection caused by failed procedures in Sydney (April 2017). This of course, only adds to her body's toxic overload. Ange and her family have lost a great deal, supporting expensive medical care, including this ordeal and, outrageously, there was no post-treatment after-care on behalf of the specialist physician and performing clinic. Why then, we ask, are they not held responsible? The investment proved catastrophic, further impairing her digestive system,  which it was supposed to heal. The knock-on effect of additional infection being introduced has drastically affected her digestive, metabolic, lymphatic and detoxification systems, further reducing her quality of life and ability to recover. The last 12 months have been another spiral of confronting changes in her body and as Ange's intimate friend and confidante, I have witnessed the trauma she has suffered and the impact on her physical and emotional health.

Other organs in her body have become deeply compromised; her thyroid being colonized by Stage 3 of the Epstein Barr virus as it progresses, her spleen, gallbladder, and bowel also affected. Ange’s entire body struggles to detoxify, constantly reabsorbing this burden.
Time is fast slipping by and the lack of appropriate medical treatment has become a very real danger to her.  Stage-4 Epstein Barr is on the horizon and the virus can often advance rapidly, threatening one's neurological system. If prompt action is not taken, it can reach her heart and brain and inflame her central nervous system, putting her in a very serious position.

To live with both EBV and chronic Lyme is an immense battle.  Lyme disease is a bacteria (‘Borreliosis’) introduced by a tick or insect bite. It tends to take hold in those like Ange with a sensitive constitution, particularly during times of stress or other immunocompromised situations. It may initially manifest as flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, and fatigue.  If left untreated, the disease typically continues to affect the digestive, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory and circulatory systems as well as vision, hearing, psychological well-being, and mental capacity. Each individual experiences a uniquely complicated array of life-altering symptoms.

Ange shared her personal experience with me; being bitten by a tick in her home-town, Perth, in 2004. After presenting with an immediate and severe skin reaction, she consulted with a medical professional who did not provide the correct diagnosis or treatment at the time. Unaware of the impact, and with no knowledge of tick bites, she went on, gradually observing changes in her energy and musculoskeletal system.  In 2005, she experienced stomach illness whilst traveling in Vietnam with her father, and in 2008, she refers to a series of “excessive vaccinations” administered prior to visiting Bali. This was followed immediately by infectious mosquito bites, all proving too much for her body to handle. By 2010, her health began to rapidly decline - fatigue, cognitive impairment, and digestive dysfunction increasing.  She was forced to give up her career and independence in early 2013 and was eventually diagnosed with Lyme disease.

Nine months of prescriptive high-dose antibiotics (40 pills per day / 5 pharmaceuticals) rendered her suicidal. Many were powerful sulfuric drugs that her body was allergic to, causing nasty releases through her skin,  gastrointestinal and neurological system.  As a result of this reckless, non-holistic ‘care’,  Ange’s gut was destroyed, making the road to recovery very difficult. She is not alone! There are many such stories both in Australia and abroad. I have intimate friends here in the States who have experienced the same thing, including myself.

Sick Australians, she tells me, are therefore forced to seek medical treatment overseas in Europe and Asia. In 2014, desperate for help, Ange traveled to Bad Aibling, Germany to renowned Cancer/Lyme facility; ‘Saint George Clinic’.  There, she braved two rounds of extreme heat treatment;  “Whole Body Hyperthermia”(WBT) and endured two weeks of in-patient therapy.  WBT involves general anesthetic and the gradual heating of the body over a 6-hour period to extreme temperatures. Through this process, the heat lures the virus out of the system's hiding places, making it vulnerable to an antibiotic administered at the peak, before the body is slowly cooled back down. Ange was devastated when the procedure failed to cure her and restore her livelihood.  Lyme and EBV are complex diseases not truly understood at this time. They have been referred to as "mystery illnesses".  Every patient’s symptoms vary so vastly, requiring different layers of treatment in the hope of full remission.  Daily symptoms remain challenging and expensive to treat and, unfortunately, no one in Australia has been able to help with the tailored care that she requires.

Germany (2014)

Finally, after some recent good fortune this year, Ange has been referred to an American practitioner of unusually high-caliber who specializes in Lyme and Infectious Diseases. This individual, who is a Lyme survivor himself, is experiencing worldwide success healing extreme cases such as hers. His treatment, of course, is costly and the average patient suffers multi-faceted treatment-resistant illness and dis-ease. Prescribed protocol, therefore, must be ongoing - often spanning a number of years.  Not currently strong enough to travel overseas, Ange has been forced to spend Super Annuation funds on remote medical scanning equipment. This necessity allows the long-distance monitoring and communication with the clinic, based in California. Funds are now exhausted and tests this past June confirmed Ange’s system is "flooded with bacteria”.

Her practitioner explains the challenges to come, yet reassures her of the vast improvement within her reach over the next 12 months (IF she is able to continue his protocol). It is essential to understand that without such lifesaving treatment, patients can die. The overwhelmingly high viral and bacterial load in Ange's body MUST be addressed. This necessitates the consumption of prescription high-grade herbal and plant-based medicinals which kill pathogens while also cleansing and chelating the system. Such treatment involves a rollercoaster ride of viral, bacterial, and fungal "die-off" symptoms from the release of MORE poisons into the patient's body which makes them even sicker until they are finally expelled from the body. 

Considering the priority to reduce her body’s pre-existing burden of toxins, Ange has researched and consulted with fellow Lyme patients, subsequently learning about the remarkable improvements experienced by those who have undergone “EBOO", or full-body blood filtration and dialysis treatment. She has high hopes of undergoing the same supportive treatment by visiting the well-known clinic in Indonesia where many Lyme patients have been treated with success. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation extracts a high volume (4 to 6 liters) of the patient’s blood and exposes it to oxygen (O2) mixed with ozone (O3) which is known to destroy foreign microbes. It is bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal.  A special filtering system also removes excess toxins from the body including heavy metals: mercury, aluminum, cadmium, etc.  Several sessions can remove years of accumulated toxins and chemicals, assisting the patient’s road to healing. In Ange’s case, it would provide an invaluable dent in her viral load.  Consulting with the clinic doctor, she is exploring a visit to the clinic in January 2019, for a proposed course of 5 x 1-hour sessions.  

At present, Ange is braving Round 2 of oral medicinals that have begun the process of releasing and chelating years of infection. Because of this, she has been told to prepare for September 2018 as one of her toughest periods.   As with most autoimmune diseases, Ange suffers from a host of opportunist ailments on top of the Lyme and EBV including mercury poisoning, candida, multiple viruses and co-infections, adrenal fatigue, and extreme hormonal imbalance. I have observed all of this as her friend; the heartbreaking changes to her body and unspeakable suffering. I am in awe of her courageous spirit! No matter what she is faced with, Ange never gives up. She is the definition of a true warrior! 

Despite her limited energy, Ange somehow devotes time to serving and connecting with others. Her empathic heart is huge. She is also a passionate creative producing stunning photographic work and ecstatic mystical poetry when she is able.  She often gives her beautiful prints to friends and family as gifts. Such a heart, such talents need to be shared! I long to see my dear friend regain her health so she can dedicate her time and energy toward these gifts and regain her independence.

It truly pains me that Australia ignores patients like herself.  She has lost everything due to this illness and lack of support. Forced to let go of independence, a dissolved marriage and dreams of motherhood, loss of social life and so many aspects of community.  It is as if she no longer exists! Nobody should have to endure such heartache and neglect, especially when one is in such serious need.  Due to pure ignorance regarding the "invisible illnesses" from which she suffers,  Ange has had to cope with an almost total lack of empathy.  The Australian bureaucracy does not recognize her illness and, therefore, does not provide adequate financial assistance or supportive medical care.  Patients receive NO rebates on the endless high expenses of necessary medicinal and nutritional aids, intravenous therapy,  specialist appointments, repeat testing,  and so on.  Ange receives a 'Disability Support Pension' that does not cover her cost of living.  Her local integrative M.D. has prescribed weekly intravenous vitamin therapy from which she has experienced marked positive effects in the past.  However,  at a non-rebateable $270.00 per treatment, she simply goes without.

In her attempt to survive,  Ange, who has a deep love for animals, spent years, until recently, caring for people's pets.  Her life became nomadic,  moving from home to home,  both house and pet sitting, in order to keep a roof over her head.  This led to a lack of stability as far as healing was concerned, but the animals lifted her spirits.  In recent months, however, she has had to come to terms with her body no longer functioning at its former reduced level.  A confronting experience for anyone.  Many small pleasures are no longer possible, and basic self-care becomes more and more challenging.  Ange has had to accept being housebound and at times fully bed-ridden.  The time has come to ask for help.

It is for these reasons that I am writing on her behalf to request financial help from anyone who is able to contribute to the expense of her medical treatment.  It is absolutely critical that Ange can now receive the U.S. functional medicine.  She has had to purchase in-house medical scanning equipment used to communicate her progress at regular intervals with the Californian clinic. She also requires regular medical check-ups, physiotherapy, nutritional and local integrative supports. Total medical costs are above and beyond $1500 per month. This is, of course, on top of keeping a roof over her head and putting food into her mouth.  Once again, I must stress the fact that, unless Ange receives financial assistance, she will only become sicker.  The systemic bacterial infection and viruses will continue to spread and her body will fast reach further constraint.  This is a terrifying prospect when she is already so ill and debilitated. 

She is a young, beautiful, gifted woman who deserves a life.  She has so much to share with the world and has passionate dreams of training, working creatively and,  ultimately,  assisting in true Service,  working in the areas of healing and holding space for others.  I know she is destined to fulfill this.

From the bottom of my heart,  I ask all who read about Ange's fight to regain her health to please share whatever they can to help this extraordinary young woman who is so deserving.  It doesn't take much.  Dollars add up when many are willing to contribute what they can.  I love Ange like a daughter,  my Aussie daughter,  and can't express enough how grateful I would be to those who are able to find it in their hearts to contribute to her expensive medical care.

Please be so kind as to share this page throughout your networks, and wherever else possible.  If you feel inspired to, please consider taking time to introduce it personally,  through your own connection or testimony to Ange.  Let us show her how much we truly care! 

I thank you in advance and send you my heartfelt love!

Gillian Stevens

Saint Petersburg, Florida


Gillian Stevens
Como WA

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