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7 beautiful lives are at stake! My 19 year old daughter was invited to crew aboard the historic sailboat "Nina". They left New Zealand the end of May and hit bad storms. We believe they lost their mast and all abilities to communicate, and are now drifting in the enormous Tasman Sea waiting to be rescued. All crew members are highly experienced in surviving, and most have spent most of their lives on the water. John Gleenie and his crew survived 119 days in the Tasman in 1989, and he is encouraging us not to give up on our loved ones! Family members continue to do fundraisers, but monies are running out. Private searching costs run between $10,000-$20,000 per day, and there's still a lot of area that needs to be covered. Please pray that we find them soon, and help us fund planes and pilots if you can. Thank you so much!!!


Robin Wright
Lafayette, LA

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