Ramadan Zakat Fund
Every Ramadan we have so many good causes to consider. Responding to hunger, water shortages, education, emergency relief, community projects and so much more.
Ramadan Zakat Fund
Every Ramadan we have so many good causes to consider. Responding to hunger, water shortages, education, emergency relief, community projects and so much more.
Every donation will provide food for the hungry, emergency relief for those facing a disaster, financial aid to someone hungry right here in the UK, and help improve understanding between Muslims and non-Muslim so that everyone can share in a smile this Ramadan! We have a nice and simple way to make this happen, you make a single donation and we split it across our charity partners from across the leading Muslim NGOs in the country. It’s literally a match made in heaven!
Every donation makes a big difference, and your help will be split across all the campaign priorities.
Sacrificing the cost of the average food delivery here will be a sign of your generosity, and ensure at least fifteen meals, clean water and more informed neighbourhoods.
We are driven by making a million people smile this Ramadan through access to food, drink, and community love and peace. In these difficult times, £50 is a super action!
We believe taking part to the best of your ability makes you the biggest hero!