These Are the Coronavirus Facts You Should Know

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As the coronavirus spreads, it’s crucial to stay informed and know how to keep you and your loved ones healthy. Even though it’s difficult to know what the future holds, having the correct information can reduce fear and anxiety about COVID-19 and help you prepare. 

The following COVID-19 facts have been sourced directly from the World Health Organisation.

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What is the coronavirus and how is it spread?

The coronavirus, also called COVID-19, is an infectious disease that originated in Wuhan, China and has spread to every continent.

Someone can catch the virus when they come into contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected person. These droplets are spread through coughing and sneezing. They can also land on surfaces, which is why hand washing is so important.

  • People over the age of 60 and those with underlying medical conditions are more at risk of developing complications from the coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?

The main coronavirus symptoms are: 

  • Fever
  • Continuous cough
  • Loss or difference in sense of taste and smell

Those infected with the virus may also experience general cold and flu symptoms and diarrhea, but other people may not notice any symptoms.  

How can you protect yourself from the coronavirus?

It’s important to create habits that will keep you safer. Here are four ways you can reduce your chances of getting the coronavirus:

1. Frequently clean your hands

The best way to protect yourself from infection is by frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol. Along these same lines, avoid touching your face.

2. Practice social distancing

It’s important to stay home if you’re sick or starting to feel sick, and be sure to keep your distance from people you know are sick.

If you are in an area where COVID-19 is spreading quickly, try to limit your interactions with others in your community. Avoid large gatherings, public transportation, and try to keep a distance of six feet from people in public. You can use this interactive COVID-19 map created by Johns Hopkins University to track the high-risk regions.

3. Refrain from touching others

Handshakes, high-fives, and hugs can be a part of our daily lives, but it’s important to swap these habits for new ones in the wake of the coronavirus. Instead of handshakes, try a head nod, and give a thumbs up instead of a high-five.

4. Clean surfaces regularly

Get in the daily habit of sanitising surfaces you frequently touch with a disinfectant product. Some examples of high-touch surfaces are doorknobs, light switches, and phones.

5. Stay informed of public health guidelines

Staying on top of updates from public health bodies is important as new developments related to COVID-19 unfold. 

What should you do if you think you have the coronavirus?

If you think you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 or have a fever and respiratory problems, you can get advice on what to do next on the HSE’s website.

Follow these guidelines as well:

  • Stay home and do not go out 
  • Order food online or ask someone to leave it outside your house
  • Get a test if you think you have coronavirus

For more details, see the HSE’s advice for self isolation.

What are some common coronavirus myths?  

It’s easy for misinformation to be shared when there is widespread concern about a disease, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting the right facts. Below are some of the most common myths about COVID-19.

Can the coronavirus live in hot and humid climates?

The outside temperature of a place has no effect on COVID-19. The disease can be transmitted in hot and humid climates, as well as in cold climates.

Can you stop the coronavirus by drinking a lot of water?

Drinking water won’t prevent the coronavirus, contrary to many tips circulating the internet. These posts claim that sipping water every 15 minutes can wash the virus into your stomach, where it will be killed by stomach acids, but there is no medical basis for this advice.

Can antibiotics kill the coronavirus?

Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, not viruses. No antibiotics are effective in treating COVID-19.

Can spraying yourself with bleach, chlorine, or alcohol kill the virus?

Spraying your body with bleach, chlorine, or alcohol will not kill COVID-19. These substances can be harmful if you spray them on yourself.

In a time of uncertainty, you can make a real difference

More than a million people have died from the coronavirus, and many more more have fallen ill. Many of those don’t have the financial means to pay their bills while they’re out of work—but you have the power to take action.  

Learn how to take action now

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