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Help Whitney Marie Get an Attorney

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Hi, my name is Whitney Marie and I am seeking help to raise funds to get an attorney. If you did not already know, I filed for divorce in December 2023. What many people don't know is why. In an effort to keep my kids safe and protect their privacy, I will not give too many details, however, it is important for people to know what they are contributing to.

My children and I have been victims of abuse for several years, and I am putting forth my best effort to protect them from any more trauma. Unfortunately, there is only one reported incident, and the others have gone unreported for fear of retaliation.

Now that I have moved my children to a safe place, I have filed a restraining order and a subsequent police report to hold their father accountable for all of the abuse we have endured. Our first hearing for the restraining order took place and unfortunately I had to represent myself. My ex-husband, however, hired an attorney and is attempting to get way with not being held accountable for his actions. He appeared at court with the attorney and placing me at a disadvantage.

In the relationship, he controlled the finances, not even allowing me to see or access the bank accounts. Now that I am on my own raising four kids, it is simply not within my budget to retain an attorney or secure childcare. Thanks to this fund, I have already began working with an attorney that specializes in family law. Unfortunately, my ex-husband is fighting the restraining order it is becoming likely that I will also need a separate attorney for that. I’ve added additional funds to the goal to cover that and other expenses such as getting childcare so I can attend court and meet with my attorney as we prepare for our next hearing on June 27, 2024.  

Thank you for reading, and thank you so much for contributing to and sharing this fund!



  • Anonym
    • 5 $ 
    • 8 Std
  • Anonym
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 T
  • Alex White
    • 40 $ 
    • 5 T
  • Anthea Henry
    • 10 $ 
    • 5 T
  • Anonym
    • 100 $ 
    • 5 T


Whitney Anderson
San Diego, CA

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