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Wheelchair MiniVan For Charlie

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My name is Charlie. I am 46 yrs. old and I am in dire need of a safe set of wheels. Let me begin with my story.

I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I am mentally and physically disabled. My father and mother, Don and Rita Gall, adopted me at 4 months of age as well 2 additional children. My mother has always taken care of children in need. Her children or a friend’s child and even a friend of a friend’s child, there were always children in our home.  But let’s get back to my story.

I have had many health concerns over the years. I have been in and out of the hospital many times through my life.  I now use oxygen all the time, have a feeding tube, use a trach with ventilation at night, and baffle the doctors over the years on how I keep going.  God tells me I still have a purpose in life and I still enjoy life. I guess I am considered a miracle.

 Many thanks go to my mother who devoted her whole life to children and especially me. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for my mother’s unbelievable devotion. I couldn’t ask for a better mother.  I think we both need each other.  She always says that I am her soul purpose in life.

Well, let’s go on with my story.  My mother and I use a 1995 Chevy van that is on its last leg.   We use it for our health appointments. We are, all getting up in age.  HAHA!  Another important reason we need a safe van with a safe lift is for my mother and I to go out on our outings to enjoy time that we have left with each other.  We go shopping; dine at our favorite restaurant, “Around the Clock” and last week we went to our church festival and watched children dance in costumes. We both truly enjoyed the evening.

I am a big guy in a custom wheelchair, as you can see from the pictures. Our van now has been in and out of the garage too many times. Just doesn’t make sense to keep putting money in this van.  With my parents retired and on a fixed income it’s hard for them .My father has his own health concerns. He is also in a wheelchair.   So I am asking today for your help to get my family back on the road to explore our time together.  Thank You,

                                    Charlie Gall


  • Jessica Balay
    • 25 $ 
    • 6 Jahre


Rita Gallagher Gall
Manchester, PA

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