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The Teach one save more Young People Campaign

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The Youth and Child Advocacy Network (YACAN) is working in some of the most vulnerable communities in Sierra Leone: Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and Harmful Tradition Practices. In 2019, the government of Sierra Leone amended the Sexual Offences Act 2012, to ensure action is taken against perpetrators of sexual offenses in the country. YACAN has noted with dismay the growing increase of GBV in the community and recently the perpetrators are young men and boys. The laws currently take full action against perpetrators but there is a need for us to save our young people from this through a preventive approach to reduce SGBV and Teenage pregnancy in communities from. we want to support our community group to increase awareness of the 2019 amended act which will create fear that will reduce GBV and teenage pregnancy among girls.

Organizador y beneficiario

YACAN Sierra Leone
Willie Turay

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