Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Taylor Children College Fund

Spende geschützt
Yesterday Michael Taylor passed away after a seven month battle with neuroendocrine cancer. He was a phenomenal husband, father, son, and friend and there are no words to really describe how much he will be missed.  His family will never be the same, but will get through this together with all of you -- their family by blood and by choice.
Thank you for your love and support as he fought this cancer and for the love and support going forward. It will take some time for Julie, Veronica, and Miles to figure out their new reality...but you are all appreciated.

College and education have always been the focus for Mike and Julie for their children. His wishes were for their children to go to college -- the best they could make happen. If you'd like to remember Michael, a donation for their college would be what he would have wanted. Thank you in advance for your generous donations...


  • Anonym
    • 50 $ 
    • 6 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Carrie Roberson Mesches
Santa Rosa, CA
Julie Taylor

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