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Support Jerry and Becky Brasfield

Donativo protegido
This GoFundMe is being started to benefit Jerry and Becky Brasfield who have been longtime members of the East Memphis community.  Jerry(81) and his lovely wife Becky (over21) have been married for 53 years, have served this community for over 46 years and are now in need of our help.  Brasfield's Auto Service opened on the corner of Ridgeway and Quince in 1971 and operated in that location until 2011, when Mr Brasfield had to move to allow for CVS pharmacy to have that corner location.  He was able to keep the business running until October 2017, when he could no longer keep the doors open.  During the struggle in the final years, Mr Brasfield had to take out a line of credit against their house to keep his doors open and his employees with jobs.  Now that they have no work income, they have no way to pay back what they owe and need our help to raise the money to pay off their debts and keep their home.  We have less than 2 months to raise this money or they will be forced to find somewhere else to live.   I am sure that with everyone Mr Brasfield has helped over the years, we can all pull together to raise this money so that this elderly couple can continue living in their house and not be forced to find another residence at their ages.


  • David Pritchard
    • 50 $ 
    • 6 años


Jeff Howell
Memphis, TN

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