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Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant

Donazione protetta
Hello, My name is Curtis Jones. I am a 38 year old Husband and Father of two children.  On November 22nd of 2017 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (Blood/Bone Plasma Cancer).  The first round of treatment is Chemotherapy and I began it on January 14th of 2018 and the first set of cycles will end in May of this year.  Results are looking good and at the end we will start the process of Bone Marrow Stem Cell transplant. The transplant has shown to extend life expectancy by 5 years on average and could really be the key to a long remission. The cost of this will be between 250k$ (if my own cells are used) and 850K$ (if I have to have donor cells). The funds raised here will go toward travel and medical bills associated with the preoperative and post operation procedures that are not covered by my insurance. My young age and good physical condition make it so I am an ideal candidate to receive the transplant so early in my diagnosis. With only 3 months remaining until my first window opens for this treatment I am trying to raise as much as possible to be able to aggressively fight my cancer.


  • Wayne Raper
    • 40 $ 
    • 6 anni


Curtis Jones
Dalton, GA

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