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Help Savannah's Road to Recovery

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December 4, 2015 my life decided to make another path of it’s own for me.

With a mix of fear, night sweats, and a swollen lump on my neck I knew that my doctors visit was well over due. I went to the urgent care where a specialist immediately referred me to Florida Diagnostic Imaging for a sonogram.  The sonogram revealed 15 masses in my neck, and I knew at that point a goiter was no longer an option. A PET scan, blood work, and a very long weekend of waiting on standby, they performed a biopsy on my lymph nodes and placed a chemotherapy port in my chest.  After the biopsy, I carefully swallowed the news that my oncologist had finally given me. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on December 14, 2015 and I knew in that moment that I wouldn’t have any other option but to courageously beat cancer.

I am a 21 years old with high spirits, working two jobs, and going into my senior year at the University of West Florida. Despite my diagnosis, I am going to try and do my best to never let my cancer define me. Though many things in my life will be put on “pause”, I am still going to try and work both jobs and finish this semester out strong.

There is a long road ahead – both physically and emotionally, and although my family is going through a roller coaster of emotions, we will all remain positive and hopeful. This was very unexpected, and the circumstances have put my family and I in a very tight situation. I started this fund to help pay for my chemotherapy treatments and offset the cost of medical bills, rent, college tuition and many other expenses that will incur over the next 4 to 6 months that I will be undergoing treatments.

The outpour of love and support that I have been given in the past few weeks has been nothing less than amazing, and I am extremely grateful for your prayers and kind words. You all keep me strong and because of that, my journey will be that much easier. Cancer may try to beat me up, but I WILL beat cancer.


With love and gratitude,

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  • Carolyn Pass
    • 500 $ 
    • 8 ans
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Savannah Glenn
Milton, FL

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