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Please help our elderly parents&grandma rebuild

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First and foremost, we kindly ask that you please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Our family home located in Encanto was recently flooded by the heavy San Diego rainfall on 1/22. Our location did not receive a flash flood warning, and it took us by surprise when the water kept rushing in, growing higher and higher from one moment to the next. Before we knew it, our house was taken over by the water, and with fear of not being able to open the doors due to the heavy water pressure, my mom and grandma found themselves in the attic, drenched in hopes the water would not reach them. My dad got stuck outside and was able to put our dogs on a boogie board that he found floating around, but as he went to try and communicate with my mom, his Pomeranian, Mr jones, had jumped off to follow him, and by the time he realized it Mr. Jones was nowhere to be found. Thankfully, my dad could finally hear him and swam to rescue him from almost drowning.
My parents' vehicles were completely submerged in the flood, and consequently, they have no transportation as they no longer work, and their insurance will not cover the damage. All our precious belongings, heirlooms, religious artifacts, appliances, documents, critical medication and medical equipment, computers, laptops, and food, our entire life was engulfed by the dirty flood water. Our cat drowned, and our fishes are nowhere to be found.
Ever since I can remember, our parents have worked so hard for our family and have always been there to lend a hand to others when needed, including taking on the responsibility of being sole care providers to my elderly disabled grandma. Our grandma's health and mobility were already deteriorating, but this disaster has devasted her, and she is having a tough time.

Our parents have put so much money and dedication into renovating their home so that they could sell and downsize for them to continue to care for my grandma and retire comfortably. Their dream that was within reach has now been taken away from them. Their insurance has denied any help, and they must make ends meet themselves.
Your donations will help us rebuild our home and purchase what we need during these devastating, unpredictable times. Still, most importantly, it will lift our parent's spirits up and hopefully get them back on track to reaching their dreams.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Any help will be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a prayer.
We appreciate and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • 100 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • sk fsafa
    • 5 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • L a Car Carrier
    • 300 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • Gloria Berumen La Car Carrier
    • 100 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • Justin De La Garza
    • 500 $ 
    • 4 mois
Je contribue

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Reina Jimenez
San Diego, CA
Diamante Jimenez

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