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Bill's new truck transmision!!!

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Hello everyone, several friends of mine told me that I should start up a page. I am looking for help, My truck transmisson broke down on me recently and I need my truck working so I can get to work and hopefully be able drive arround for me scout work. Public transportation is very hard for me to use especially since it is difficult for me to be able to walk very well for any extended period of time. I would greatly apprieciate any kind of help anyone could help with. I amhoping to have the fundsto get the truck from the repair shop on Tuesday December 15th at the latest.  I thank everyone for there time in reading this..


  • Anónimo
    • 300 $ 
    • 9 años
  • Carol
    • 20 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 9 años


Bill Tenner
Austin, TX
  • Otras

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