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Norma's Surgery Fund

Donativo protegido
Norma is a great Mom, family member, co-worker, and volunteer that gives more of herself than she often receives in return.  She is always someone you can count on for a favor and is happy and willing to give a lending hand.
 Norma needs our help as she prepares for an intensive surgery that will remove a cyst that has affected her quality of life for the past year.  You might not know it but Norma has been in tremendous pain as a cyst has grown and put pressure between two discs in her upper back.  She has worked, cared for her family, many of our children, and baked us delicious treats all while secretly suffering. 
Doctors have tried steroid injections to stop the cyst from growing and ease her pain, sadly they did not work.   This week she will endure a surgery that will remove the cyst and two disc from her spine. Artificial disc will replace the two discs taken out and Norma will have a long difficult recovery ahead of her.  Insurance classifies this as an non-elective surgery and requires roughly $3000.  
This amount would not come easily to most and for Norma adds another level of stress and concern that is not healthy during this time.  She needs our help.  Any amount you have to donate will make a difference. If you are unable to donate please share this page so we can get the word out for a very deserving woman in our lives, and please keep her in your prayers.


  • Jessie Bennett
    • 50 $ 
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Brittany McKinnon Nunes
Norwich, CT
Norma Wallace

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