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Movie Magic

Donazione protetta
Mr. Coates is originally from Brookdale, Nova Scotia and began his love affair with the Vogue Cinema in September of 1995. After 10 years as an employee, Jeff solidified his commitment to the community and cinema and purchased the business in January of 2006. Since that time, he has strived to continually upgrade the Vogue Cinema to provide maximum enjoyment to it’s patrons, but not without difficulties. As cinematography advanced from 35mm film to digital format it became increasingly difficult to continue screening Top 10 Hollywood movies. Digital became the industry standard and on March 2, 2012 at a huge cost of approximately $95,000.00, the Vogue Cinema debuted its first digital movie in the freshly updated theatre to an appreciative audience. However, constant maintenance to the facility and general up keep coupled with the massive new investment created a serious financial strain. Jeff had to seek help from the private sector. A backer was procured, but with limited funding and repayment terms.
Therefore, we make an appeal to your sense of kindness, generosity and community. The Vogue Cinema is in danger of closing after 70 years of serving the public. This would be a huge tragedy and great loss to the community. There are precious few options to keep students and young people entertained in a public venue in a positive atmosphere. We can not afford to lose this historic landmark.
To ensure the Vogue Cinema remains alive and well to serve for many years to come, it is in great need of funding.  The money raised will assist in paying back the private backer who has been very patient but needs to be freed from his commitment to the Vogue Cinema. 
For over 20 years, Mr. Coates has poured his heart and soul into the iconic and historical Vogue Cinema. Mr. Coates is dedicated to preserving his beloved Vogue Cinema and he wants to ensure its continued survival and service to the community for many years to come. Words can not express how thankful Mr. Coates would be with the success of this campaign.


Jeff Vogue-Cinema
Sackville, NB

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