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Miracle for Moore: Jason Moore of Henderson, KY

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On December 11, Jason Moore who was previously in excellent health went to the emergency room for excruciating abdominal pain.  Little did he know when he went in, he would be spending Christmas in the hospital ICU fighting for his life.  Jason is a loving husband and has been married to his wife, Cassie, for the last 12 years.  He is the father of two beautiful children, Hudson who is eight years old and Harper who is seven.   He and his family live in Henderson, Kentucky.  Though many of you may not know Jason by name, his face should look familiar.  He and his son, Hudson, are on many of the Audubon Chrysler Center billboards in the tristate area.  You may also know Jason as the host of the American Dream Car Show.   Jason is definitely a "people person" and is very active in the community.  Jason has been involved with many philanthropic events in the area.  Most recently he coordinated the "2019 EAJ Backs the Blue Rally" with all proceeds benefiting the Cops Connecting with Kids Program.  

The road ahead for Jason and his family is uncertain.  The doctors have advised Cassie, if Jason is able to pull through, they still face a long road with hospitalization, extensive medical treatment, and therapies.  With Jason hospitalized and unable to work, the family's expenses are mounting.  No family is ever prepared for an event like this; emotionally or financially.  Please consider joining together as a community and making a donation this holiday season.  

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." -Helen Keller
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Jessica Albright
Evansville, IN
Cassie Moore

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