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Michael Williams Rally for Rehab

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Michael Williams, son of Cindy and Dave Williams, was horrifically injured on July 12, 2017 in a motorcycle accident while on his way to work in Evansville, IN.  A local woman didn’t see him and pulled out in front of him.   No speeding, drugs, or alcohol were involved.  He and his family's lives are changed forever.  Michael had just graduated from high school and was scheduled to report to the military and serve our country in the U.S. Marine Corps in a few months.  Michael has a horribly long list of injuries with the worst being a cervical spine injury and being paralyzed.  We are working to raise funds to fly Michael to a specialized rehab hospital in order to get the best possible opportunity for Michael to recover as much as medically possible. https://www.shepherd.org/.  The most urgent financial need this week is for both the medical flight to Shepherd and upfront costs Shepherd is asking for and totals $22,000.  He is going to need extensive care and rehab with hopes of him gaining as much independence as possible.  Any donation to help with these costs is greatly appreciated!  If you do not want to donate through gofundme, please contact Julie McCullough, Michael's aunt, through email at this site.



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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Julie McCullough
Evansville, IN
Cynthia Williams

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