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Marshall and his girls

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Unfortunately this young family have been hit with the most devastating news. Marshall passed away so suddenly and unexpected in a fatal accident on the 5/6/17 leaving behind his beautiful partner Elley and adorable daughter Isla just 4 months old. We are raising money to give Marshall the send off he deserves and help look after "his girls" as he so fondly called them.

This the heart breaking post Elley put up regarding her childhood sweetheart Marshall
I've never ever felt such pain and heart ache. All those times you laughed at me when I would hear about a crash and call your work mates when you wouldn't answer for a few hours making me look crazy and you always said you would always come home. All those times I would tell you how depressed I was and how I didn't want to be here and you would hold me so tight telling me the many reasons why our lives were perfect and it's you who was taken away too soon. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. While I sit here at 5am feeding our baby girl I feel so so empty; wondering why you aren't here besides me arguing over who's turn it is to feed Isla and who's turn to change her. But through all the tears and breakdowns I've had today/tonight it's your little mini me who has been smiling away at me just like you always did. I have so many 'whys' and honestly I don't even know where to begin or how to process all of this. Those screams from the hospital will forever make my ears bleed because that was the moment I knew it wasn't just a couple broken bones.

I was saving this video for our 3 year anniversary next month. The anniversary that was going to be the one. Already booked the most amazing hotel and weekend for us. Already got your gifts and also ordered your Father's Day gifts yesterday. And just knowing that that was the anniversary where you wanted to 'pop the big question' and also the weekend where we were going to try for another baby absolutely devastates me. Our lives had only just begun. I'm so grateful you got to bless me with the most perfect little girl in the world. Because now there will always be a part of you that will live on. I promise to stay strong for our baby because that's exactly what you would want me to do. Just know how much you mean to me and Isla. How much we will always love and hold you close to our hearts. Honestly can't believe I have to write these words. But until we meet again my marshmallow. Forever and always sweetheart. Promise to look after us. Rest peacefully.


  • Melanie Haylett
    • 10 £ 
    • 7 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tia Leanne Partridge
Elley Taylor

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