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Malawi Surgical Trip

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Hello everyone. I went to Malawi for the first time as a nursing student in 2016. Now, I am going as a nurse! I have set aside money each paycheck for this trip but as I have student loans and bills to pay each month, I know God will use his children to help provide the rest of my funding. Join me in helping raise money for sending me to Malawi on this medical mission through the Chikondi Health Foundation for 3 weeks. I will be helping in the surguries being performed, mobile clinics that Blessings Hospital goes on to help in the villages with basic health needs, and simply being the hands and feet of Jesus!


  • Domi Shanks
    • 25 $ 
    • 6 Jahre


Kasey Evelyne Mircea
Nashville, TN

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt