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Konquer Dance Fire Recovery Fund

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Yesterday the plaza that Konquer Dance is in caught fire. The most important thing is that it was empty at the time and no one was hurt or in danger. Today Melissa, Kailey, their staff and over 160 motivated and talented dance students need to find a way to keep dancing.
They currently do not have a space to use for their classes that run all day Monday through Saturday non-stop. These kids have a showcase coming up in three weeks and are on the tail end of their competition season.
Melissa, a single mom and her daughter Kailey started Konquer a little over 4 years ago on their own. They knew they had a passion for dance and wanted to share that love of dance with the community. Kailey has been dancing since the age of two with Melissa as their sole supporter, sometimes working three jobs to foster Kailey’s love of dance and provide a good life for them. It paid off, the 18 years Melissa spent behind the scenes while Kailey attended classes at different studios gave her the inspiration to create a studio that would inspire and motivate young dancers in a positive way.
When she first opened Konquer dance she had rented out one suite from the plaza. Melissa and Kailey’s determination and passsion for this business quickly outgrew that one suite and today they occupy four suites in the plaza and continue to grow.
Konquer Dance provides such an amazing service to the community and now they need our help. This is not something that Melissa can survive on her own. She’s the sole operator and owner of Konquer. Let’s help her keep her dream alive so that young dancers can continue to find a home at Konquer.


  • Nelson Perez
    • 50 $ 
    • 2 Jahre
  • Mrs Raz And Ms. Swanson
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 Jahre
  • Amy Torres
    • 20 $ 
    • 2 Jahre
  • Kelly Fitzgerald
    • 25 $ 
    • 2 Jahre
  • Tammy Miller
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Samantha Tolene Thompson
Orland Park, IL
Melissa Kopel

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