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Julliette's Place Makeover

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It started as a small project that allowed us to give back to our community by doing what we do best as an interior design company, a room makeover in our local women's shelter, Julliette's Place .

We initially transformed the Wellness Room to create a beautiful, functional space where the women could find peace and tranquillity within the shelter and start dreaming and planning the next steps for themselves and their families.

After spending time in the shelter and seeing the positive impact transforming the Wellness room had on the women, we began to identify other shared spaces needing a makeover.

However, Julliettes Place relies on donations and government funding to operate, so revitalizing spaces within the shelter is not a priority. Transformations like the wellness room are only possible with donations from the public.

And this is where you come in. Imajen Interiors inc is committed to continuing the revitalization of other shared spaces within the shelter. But to do this, we need your help to raise the funds to support this work.

Next on the list is the Children's room. The children's room is outdated and needs repair to make it safe and functional. With your help, our team will work our interior design magic to create beauty in this space. The funds will be used for the following:

new paint and flooring
child proof storage
machine washable rug
Seating for moms
Newer interactive toys
educational elements
Baby playpen
New curtains that cover windows
Baby floor mats
Sensory lights


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Asha Mattis
Scarborough, ON

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