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Join Us in Sharing a Message of Hope and Kindness

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Hello friends and Suporters

My name is Elena Beuca Rogers, the founder of Elliel Studios where our mission is to create Films with Purpose, changing the world one movie at a time. Today, I reach out to you with a heartfelt request to support our latest documentary, "THY NEIGHBOURS "

In February 2022, during a visit to my native Romania, my husband Dave Rogers and I witnessed the heart-wrenching invasion in my neighbouring country, just a short drive from where we were. The scenes of families enduring such suffering deeply moved us. As Christians, we believe in the principle of loving thy neighbor, and we knew we had to act.

With just a camera and basic supplies, we ventured to the border.
"THY NEIGHBOURS " is the result of this journey – a film that captures the extraordinary resilience and hope of the people we met. It's a story of how simple acts of kindness, like sharing a meal or lending a helping hand, can light up the darkest of times.

Our goal with "THY NEIGHBOURS " is not just to tell these stories, but to ignite a global movement of kindness and hope. We have completed the film and are honored to have
qualified it for the Academy Awards (OSCARS), aiming to amplify its impact.

However, we are now in the crucial phase of Distribution, striving to bring this powerful message to a wider audience. This is where we need your help. The costs for post-
production, legal advice, licensing, PR, marketing, and travel are substantial. Your contribution can make a significant difference in:
- Raising awareness about the ongoing crisis around the world
- Inspiring others to act and spread kindness.
- Helping us reach communities worldwide.
- Covering essential expenses for the film's distribution.

Please consider donating to our cause. No amount is too small, and every contribution brings us closer to sharing this message of hope and resilience. Share our campaign with your network on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Let's create a ripple effect of kindness and awareness together.
Thank you for your time, support, and for being part of this kindness movement. Your
generosity is not just a donation; it's a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change.

With Love,

Faire un don


  • Felicia Oland
    • 100 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 8 mois
  • Tami Weaver-Henry
    • 100 $ 
    • 8 mois
  • Richard Rehak
    • 50 $ 
    • 8 mois
    • 50 $ 
    • 8 mois
  • Priscilla Johnson-Miles
    • 250 $ 
    • 8 mois
Faire un don


Elena Beuca
Los Angeles, CA

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