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House Fire Recovery for The Shelley Family

Don protégé
The Shelley Family of 6 are wonderful members of our community and serve generously with their time at Community Bible Church. In July 2023, their house caught on fire and almost everything they owned was lost. Thankfully, they all made it out alive.

They are thankful for God providing hotel help and for friends who offered their homes to them to sleep. Family, friends, and church have been so thoughtful sending prayers of encouragement. Many people have asked how they can help. They are now living in a hotel and incurring many expenses. They are currently looking for a new place to live and need to replace everything that was lost in the fire.

If you know the Shelley Family, you know they love to minister and serve their community. It has been hard for them to be on the other side and accept the generosity and graciousness of others but they are extremely grateful.

Thank you for donating. All proceeds will go towards moving expenses and replacing all of their belongings.

Faire un don


  • Stacey Schuetze
    • 100 $ 
    • 11 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 25 $ 
    • 11 mois
  • Calisa Chappel
    • 50 $ 
    • 11 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 500 $ 
    • 11 mois
  • Michele Woodman
    • 100 $ 
    • 11 mois
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Eva Magana-Kibbey
San Antonio, TX
Philip Shelley

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