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help PINIA get to Burning Man 2024!

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PINIA . 2024 Black Rock City
Symbolizes the pinecone, characteristic of the forests of Punta del Este, Uruguay. In rural tradition, the bedroom of married couples was adorned with PINIAS to wish for the formation of a large family. PINIA has multiple meanings in Spanish, like "hit" or "blow," and I associate it with the impact of profound changes that are happening in the world.
"PINIA" consists of 17 hard Jatoba wood octagons, each measuring 2x4 inches, of varying sizes from larger to smaller. These octagons will be installed vertically and spaced 8 inches apart from each other. Each rib has been planed and cut on one side at the desired angle to accommodate future petals. The petals will be made of birch plywood and will be attached one per side of the octagon. They also vary in size according to the rib where they are located. The visual image is akin to a wooden cave with petals, allowing visitors to enter during the day for shade from the sun. At night, each rib will have programmable led strips inside, controlled by Arduinos and reacting to human sounds and approaching art cars.


Franco Beverati
Portland, OR

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