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Help Father Paul fight his way through Cancer

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Hi, My name is Stacey Dupuis and I am Father Paul's Sister in law. On April 16th Father Paul received a cancer diagnosis that is the toughest one to swallow. He was diagnosed with Stage 3 pancreatic cancer.

Father Paul will began his fight on May 22, 2023 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, where he will undergo 4 months of chemo therapy -3x a month and 5 1/2 weeks of radiation daily. At that point we will know whether or not he is a candidate for surgery.

Father Paul is a Bishop in the Celtic Orthodox Church. Since he has taken a vow of poverty he lives off of a very small amount of money per month. During his time of illness and treatment he will be acquiring quite the financial burden. Medical Bills, prescription bills, gas for traveling into Boston, parking fees etc. I would like to take this worry off of him so that he can put all of his good, positive energy into healing.

Thank you all so very much for your help and generosity. We will be providing you all with updates along the way,

God Bless

Stacey Dupuis


Stacey Dupuis
Bolton, MA

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