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Gerry DeVita Golf Outing

Spende geschützt
Saturday, August 5th, 2017
Shamrock Hills Golf Course, Lee's Summit, MO
Start time 8:00 a.m.

This year marks our SEVENTH year raising money for the Bone Marrow Transplant Team at The University of Kansas Medical Center.   As most of you know, Dad was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma in December of 2009.

Read more about MCL here. 

After his diagnosis, Dad was lucky enough to be treated by the Bone Marrow Transport team at The University of Kansas Medical Center.  He underwent a stem cell transplant using his own stem cells in May of 2011 and then required a stem cell transplant using his sister Rosemary's stem cells in May of 2013. Unfortunately, we lost Dad in February of 2014 due to complications from all of his chemo treatments. Dad did not feel like he was done living, so we will never be done fighting for more research to find a cure.

All of the proceeds from our annual golf outing go directly to the team at KU's BMT unit, led by Dr. Joseph McGuirk. It is amazing how much research has improved the lives of patients diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma since Dad's initial diagnosis almost 8 years ago. They are using less invasive chemos and new treatments have been introduced.

Read about the latest award for KU's BMT unit here.  

If you are unable to golf with us, we appreciate your donation to the tournament through this site.  When you donate $50 or more, your name will be displayed as a hole sponsor.

If you would like to golf with us at the tournament, please email [E-Mail ausgeblendet].   We ask that you please form a full team, although we can work with you to find a team if that is not possible.  You can pay for your golf through this website ($75/person, $300/team), but PLEASE SPECIFY in your comment that you are paying for golf.  Otherwise, you can pay the day of the tournament.

We cannot thank you enough for your continued support and for remembering our Dad!

Carrie, Billy & Scott

Dad was very proud of his family!  This picture was taken for Easter during his first rounds of chemotherapy before his autogenous stem cell transplant.


  • Matt Doyle
    • 250 $ 
    • 7 Jahre


Carrie Connatser
Lee's Summit, MO

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt