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Families of Sgt. Ryan Wood & Tpr. Zachary Trocki

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This page is dedicated to supporting Sgt. Ryan Wood and Tpr. Zachary Trocki and their families live their everyday lives following a suspension from duty without pay. Both Troopers are being charged with misdemeanors for actions they took while acting in good faith in response to an emergency. These charges came after nearly 11 months of uncertainty for the Troopers while they awaited the determination of the Vermont AG office, which suggests their motivation to bring charges now may be political.

The full story can be found here: Two State Troopers face criminal charges

For the next year and likely longer, these Troopers will not receive pay or benefits. I will be collecting and disbursing the donations made from your generosity to the Troopers personally. It is critical to support those who put their lives on the line for us when they are being unfairly targeted. Thank you for your consideration


J.W Matthews
VSP 538 (Ret.)

Spenden (1)

  • James Matthews
    • 6 184 $ 
    • 1 Jahr


James Matthews
Brattleboro, VT

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