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Family of 3 soon homeless,car unsafe

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Fortunately for me I love to work helping people with disabilities.  In fact, I work three separate jobs as an Advocate to help people live wonderful lives.  Now is the hard part, unfortunately, these jobs are very low paying.  My husband is a commissioned salesman and his job is at a low point economically.  My family, myself, my husband and our beautiful 12 year old daughter is in a desperate situation on two fronts:

My home is up for Sheriff Sale in the next few weeks and our cars are not safe to drive.

I have found an apartment however do not have the necessary funds for the initial deposit. I have to say that moving companies can take an unexpected addition to our budget which is why my initial estimate has changed. I get several initial estimates and when all is done their final cost is 4x's the original amount quoted. My husband's car doesn't work at all as it needs a new fuel pump (we think) and new tires as they are bald.  My car is our only "functioning" vehicle however it is extremely and unsafely damaged.  The rear passenger wheel well has completely come off of the body of the car due to rusting.  It is so scary to drive (I used the last of my money for an expensive computer chip that was needed for just my lights to work!) but I have to take the risk, daily, to get to my jobs and help the people I do.  I feel like this triple whammy has come at such an impossible time.....all at once. 

This is difficult for me to put out in the public but I fear I don't have any other choice.  Please help my family out of this desperate, desperate time and hoping that this is the bad of 2018 with only the good to come.

Thank you for everything you do to help people on every level!


  • Sara Redfield
    • 36 $ 
    • 6 Jahre


Cynthia Rosenberg
Mount Laurel, NJ

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