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Cathie & Mike Hartman Home Recovery

Spende geschützt
Cathie and Mike Hartman and their three sons, Ryan, Derek and Carl have experienced one of the toughest weekends of their lives.  On Saturday, June 3, Cathie's father passed away in Racine, WI.  While Cathie was with her father during his final moments, the rest of the family were at home when the unthinkable happened.  On Sunday, June 4, their home in Blaine, MN caught fire while Mike and the boys were inside.  Thankfully everyone made it out.  However, the home was severly damaged and is no longer livable at this time.  Please help support the Hartman family as they grieve the loss of a father/grandfather and the loss of their family home.


  • Karol Underwood
    • 100 $ 
    • 7 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jill Nelson
Blaine, MN
Catherine Hartman

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