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Buy Betsy a Bike

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As most of you probably already know, Betsy is graduating with her PhD this year! It's been a long, difficult, and at times enraging process for her but she persevered. We will all have to start calling her Dr. Betsy very soon!

I wanted to get her something special to mark this amazing achievement but wasn't sure what it should be until this last summer when we were riding RAGBRAI together. I looked down and realized that Betsy is still riding the same bike she got in middle school! It must be at least 15 years old! Not only that but it was bought under the pretense that it was a Cannondale (a very good bike brand) but once it arrived it became apparent that the letters spelling Cannondale on the frame were not genuine as they began to peel off. Regardless, Betsy has been very dedicated to this bike and has ridden it on god knows how many RAGBRAI's, 15 or more! And while I know Betsy loves Dale (the letters for 'cannon' are what peeled off), at some point a girl deserves an upgrade!

Therefore, I'm asking anyone who wants to help celebrate Betsy's PhD to contribute here if you feel so inclined. I'll be delivering whatever funds we raise to Betsy at her graduation on May 3rd, along with any notes you leave with your donation. I certainly encourage anyone who donates to write a congrats to Betsy and I'll make sure she gets it.


  • Corryn Hall
    • 30 $ 
    • 5 ans


Alice Riley
Olathe, KS

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