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Alyssa and Jayce Healing Journey

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I would like to share with you a little about Alyssa Swanson  and her son, Jayce.    Alyssa  is many things, she is a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece and most recently became a mother of her son, Jayce.  In her life, her role as a mother has been her most joyous.  On January 11, 2018 her world changed forever.  She was given the news that no mother wants to hear,  her son has a rare form of cancer called Langerhans cell histiocytosis.  Treatment will begin as soon as the port has been inserted into little Jayce's body.   The treatment will last about 6 months.                              

As many of you may know cancer not only devastes our body's but also devastes our finances.    You are no longer on a work schedule but you are on cancers schedule.    As a mom,  Alyssa will focus on doing what she needs to do to help her son beat this disease.  She will continue to work as Jayce's treatment schedule allows.

Donating will help Alyssa be able to help pay medical expenses as well as keep her transportation to and from Roswell where her son is recieving treatment.

Any size donation will be appreciated.
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    • 50 $ 
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Andrea Tarasik Swanson
Springville, NY
Alyssa Swanson

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