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Veterinary Care for Ace-Injured in House Fire

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My name is Teresa Toriseva and I set this up to help my friend Ashley DeAngelis and her fiancé Timmy Goldbaugh, to cover the veterinary bills for their sweet boy Ace.

On Monday October 23, 2023, there was a house explosion and total loss house fire in the Elm Grove section of Wheeling. Ace, a six year old German Shepherd Dog suffered burns to approximately thirty percent of his body. Ace is slowly improving but it’s seriously injured. He will require ongoing care after leaving the hospital and his bills are expected to be extensive. Of course, he’s worth it! Look at that face.

(*UPDATE: we have been advised of donations from both local veterinarians who have cared for Ace that they will be donating their services. Pure community support! Any money not used for direct vet care or bills will be donated directly to Ace’s humans, Ashley and Timmy.)

His humans were also injured in the explosion and are dealing with incredible trauma from these events. There is also a fund set up for them at WesBanco where you can make direct contributions to them also.

As they recover, we know they will heal easier and faster with the love of their sweet boy Ace and they are as worried about him as they are themselves.

THANK YOU for your help. Every single contribution matters.


  • Matt Carnahan
    • 10 $ 
    • 8 Mo
  • Jane Ann McGuire
    • 50 $ 
    • 9 Mo
  • Anthony Palma
    • 50 $ 
    • 9 Mo
  • Kris Molnar
    • 50 $ 
    • 9 Mo
  • Megan P
    • 10 $ 
    • 9 Mo

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Teresa Toriseva
Wheeling, WV
Ashley DeAngelis

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt