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William's Medical Fund

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On January 18, 2018, William Keller was hospitalized due to the flu and Pneumonia. We thought that he would be hospitalized for 2 days or 3 tops. We did not realized how severely sick William was.

As soon as he was hospitalized, his body just gave up. His kidneys shut down, his right lung started to filled up with fluids, first his Left lung and then his Right lung  got infected. His oxygen levels were severely depleted.  His Oxygen got so low that on January 22 things took a turn for the worst. William crashed, his chances of survival was less than 30%.

William is currently on a Ventillator, and when he improves, he will need at least 4-6 months of physical therapy. 
I'm asking for donations to help with the Therapy, hospital stay, and monthly insurance payments and household expenses

The medical bills are pilling up, and I would appreciate any help, no matter how small the donation.

Thank you very much and amy God Bless you!

Faire un don


  • Avonda Felix
    • 50 $ 
    • 6 ans
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Lucy Garcia
Plano, TX
William Keller

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