Uplift Canada’s Black Communities, Support Black Causes

The fight for a more equitable society is far from over, in fact, 13% more Canadians consider racism a serious problem in Canada today compared to just one year ago. Canada’s Black communities experience widespread systemic racism that impacts fair access and treatment across education, employment, healthcare, policing and beyond.

Here are a few ways systemic racism shows up in Canada:

        • The average income for Black Canadians is 35% lower than that of white Canadians
        • Black workers are 4x as likely as white workers to report workplace discrimination 
        • Black women are 3x less likely to have a family doctor than white women in Ontario 
        • Black residents are 20x more likely than white residents to be shot and killed by police in Toronto 

There are simple ways we can work together to help create lasting change in dismantling racism and uplifting Canada’s Black communities. 

This Black History Month, and every other month, make a difference in your community by learning about Canada’s Black heritage, advocating for Black voices, donating to support organizations dedicated to the fight for social justice or starting your own fundraiser for a charity close to your heart.

Support Black causes and community fundraisers

Mental health and health equity


[campaigntiles urls=”2ttvy-a-fund-for-blackled-mental-health-supports,vancouver-black-therapy-amp-advocacy-fund,black-healing-fund-mtl”]

Culture, education, and sports


[campaigntiles urls=”the-african-nova-scotian-freedom-school,editions-pour-les-femmes-racisees-et-les-minorites,une-anne-de-plus,black-girl-hockey-club-scholarship-fund,brown-girl-outdoor-word-gear-library,black-canadian-history-legacy-voices,5ywf99-bipoc-of-publishing-in-canadas-fundraiser-2021″]

Community programs and emergency relief


[campaigntiles urls=”covid19-black-community-support-vancouver,black-lives-matter-solidarity-fund-ns,eg-west-tennant-relief-fund,coronavirus-fund-for-black-women,j8848-black-lives-matter,consultation-racisme-et-discrimination-systemiques,calgary-black-empowerment-fund,des-infrastructures-pour-de-meilleures-recoltes,5r66v-black-womens-agricultural-freedom-fund,black-designers-of-canada,u56v2-black-economic-empowerment-fund-halifax,amas-research-on-black-indigenous-food-justice,help-us-fund-a-safe-bipoc-2slgbtq-retreat-space”]