How to Help Those Affected by the Tathra Bushfires
On 18 March, a fast-moving bushfire engulfed the town of Tathra in New South Wales and left more than 70 homes destroyed.
In the wake of the disaster, Australians are rallying to help those affected by the fires. Below, you’ll find verified campaigns to help the bushfire victims get back on their feet.
Donate to fundraisers for the Tathra bushfires
[campaigntiles urls=”tathra-fires,rebuild-the-carter-home,tathra-fire-victim-fund-for-julie-k,noble-family-bega-bush-fire-relief,support-the-fells,footy-gear-tathra-sea-eagles-jnrs,mikestoolfund,rebuild-crowley-family-house-tathra,harris-rebuild-tathra”]