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Lost Shall be Saved

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Imagine if your life had no choice of opportunity. What if you woke up each day not knowing if you would see the next? Often times we fill our minds with the imagination of being invisible or unseen, but what if this wasn't your imagination? What if your reality was just this, you have lost everything! You have lost your family, home, and have no opportunity for restoration unless you go to an unfamiliar place. Your life has no stability, no certainty, and there are only a few options to run for refuge. At these places of refuge the tables turn and you are no longer unseen; however you are seen as a lazy moocher who planes on terrorizing everyone you meet. In this imagination you are defiled, mistreated, and judged for the circumstances you did not create for yourself; however they were a free gift for your existence. You are a Refugee!
While stepping outside of myself to feel a few of the realities that my friends face I cannot help but to share this passion for the unnoticed refugees I worked with over the summer. Although I am no longer in California, their hurts, pains, and reality are still the same. Please keep them in your prayers today!
As I am preparing to go back and serve these refugees full time please continue to pray for the ministry and the move that I am about to make to work there come September. Every prayer is needed and counts! Thank you for your financial support as well! I hope that the cause will do more than give you an emotional appeal for the unnoticed, however I pray from the bottom of m heart that this mission will give you a selfless compassion for action!

Dear Lord,
I pray right now for the hearts of the Refugees. I pray that you will help them to be seen. I pray that they will not be stereotyped or ridiculed for the very thing they are running from, which is terror. I pray that they see that they were not brought into this world to waist away, but that you still have a plan regardless of the hurt that has been handed to them. I thank you for my freedom and I thank you for allowing me to have the freedom to help them find more than empty religion, but freedom in you. This world will fail us and there are different measures of pain, but allow this launch to benefit your kingdom on both lines of the spectrum. Help the fortunate to recognize their fortune and may we all find our true fortune in you alone! You are worthy and I thank you for all that you are doing as you lead me to spread the awareness you have so evidently placed within my heart! I pray all this in Jesus name.


  • Ban and Zack
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 12 yrs
  • anonymous
    • $3,200 (Offline)
    • 12 yrs
  • Glenda and Sam Lacey
    • $900 (Offline)
    • 12 yrs
  • Grandma & Poppa
    • $900 (Offline)
    • 12 yrs
  • Andrew and Samm Moroz
    • $300 (Offline)
    • 12 yrs


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