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LIFE after Toxic Implant Removal..

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My Horrific Nightmare.. the horrors of Toxic ImplantsAs I write this I must tell you I am in enormous pain, mostly the pain of a broken heart  but also a broken body.. my Spirit seems barely alive.  I have a child, her name is Madison Rose.. Madison is my world as anyone could and would attest to.  

I have four grown children as well, I love them every bit as much but we are apart now.. this sadly happens to many families that struggle with this "unnamed illness" Sufferers lose friends and even family members due to the chronic and progressive sickness.

I have been sick for a long time now and my children have" had enough".  

They want me to smarten up and be mom.  I understand but it hurts.

What my children don't understand is thier mom is dying of Toxic Implant Disease, Bio-toxin Ilness, Mercury Poisoning, Lupus.. brought on by Mercury poisoning and as Dr. Susan Kolb, Atlanta put it to me "A Toxic Soup" during our 4 1/2 consultation 2 weeks ago.  
I am to start detoxification Supplements and the proper Meds prescribed by Dr. Kolb to start the detoxification process before surgery.

The surgery although life saving, is not covered by my Insurance.  Insurance will not pay for this because there is no name for it as of yet. There is an ongoing battle and it's all about greed.  Once this turns to Cancer, they will pay.  Try to imagine that..  

Dr. Kolb told me my liver, kidneys and other organ are being compromised daily, making time matter.  I have spoken in this past few weeks with women that have been this sick and recovered nearly 100% in the following year.
This brings hope to me, I am blessed to have been able to see Dr. Kolb as she is considered not only a Pioneer in this field but a highly respected Dr. and expert, The "go to" person when nobody else is even able to diagnose this affliction. I will be in great hands.

A highly specialized Surgery called "En Bloc Explantation" is what I need, there are only a small group of Doctors that are trained to perform this very delicate Surgery.

The "Perfect Storm" happened when my breast Implants began to leak the many toxic chemicals,throw in some black mold, Mercury, Arsenic and lead and you have one incredible .. yes, "toxic stew"..     I have so many symptoms and they are rapidly progressing. I will tell you some of them now..

1. Seizures
2. Inability to regulate body temperature
3. Night sweats, every night
4."Brain fog"
5. Chronic Staph and Sinus Infections.. I have sores in my nose and ears of this morning
6. Tremors.. this is new and terrifying.
7. Ringing in my ears
8. Hideous sores across my entire chest.
9. Severe foot cramps and hand cramps
10. Complete exhaustion 5 out of 7 days 
11. Chronic Kidney issues resulting in near kidney failure, twice
12. Dilated left kidney
13. Losing my hair
14. Nausea 24/7, vomiting
15. Joint pain, severe
16. Tingling and numbnes
17. Stumbling, clumsiness
18. Chronic urinary Tract infections 5 in three months recently.
19. Jaundice
20. Watery eyes
21. Static shocks, constantly
22.  Burning pain in my right breast, shoulder and across my back.. feels like someone with a torch going on my upper back.
23. Vertigo
24.Pain in my legs, heaviness

There are more things happening as well but it is all so overwhelming.

Regarding the  implants..this was sadly an uninformed decision I made in younger years, praying it doesn't cost me my life. IfI do not have these "Toxic bags" removed from within an inch of my lungs soon, it will. My liver is suffering. 

AFTER my miracle I  face a year of Chelation Therapy/detoxification of mold, yeast and Heavy metals with the  knowing I can be a POWERFUL example for Mads and for anyone that needs someone to hold on to through this horrific , battle that I fight accompanied only by a few Earth Angel friends, and one sister.

I lost my Soulmate and Mads her"daddy"nearly 4 years ago.. with a shredded heart and weary soul I got us through with Gods help, three years of skirting homelessness after losing our home, we had to endure 6 moves before we finally found a safe place that was affordable! Please help.. I refuse to believe that we  have been through all of thisto have my daughter essentially become an orphan.

This is for Mads FIRST <3

I vow to  expose this American disaster and spread the love if I survive this shameful trend that is killing women all around the globe. We are assembling a team of "sufferers" now to do just that.  I welcome the chance to Pay it forward.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sharon Herne AKA Mads mom

Bless us all


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Sharon Sennett Herne
Franklin, NC

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