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Little Cards Hit Hard-By Thieves

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The Colerain Little Cards have been hit hard-by thieves.

The Little Cards Football program was founded in 1971 and has been a keystone for committment, success, social skills, and growth in many young boys' lives. Shaping them as individuals and as team players, many rely on this program to teach their kids how to play fair, hard, and win with integrity and respect both on the field and off.

The program relies on its concession building at its field  to support equipment costs, field maintenance, and the ongoing success of its program.

Unfortunately it has been the repeated target of vandals and thieves.

Equipment and tools have been destroyed and damaged, the building has been spray painted repeatedly, and just this weekend, the concession stand was broken into and equipment, a cash register, a food machine as well as food and beverages were stolen, and the freezers were left open ruining any food left behind.

The coaches and staff have silently taken these hits and recovered through repainting and replacing but with no end in sight, its hard to have the kind of hope they instill in their team. 

Aside from assisting in the replacement of items taken, I think its time for  a more proactive approach. But we need your help.

They need surveillance cameras. If we don't make the offenders pay, they will come back as they have and continue to wreak financial and physical havoc on the Little Cards.  Let's tackle the problem together and identify the people who steal from children so the police can hang out with them for a bit.

If you are able to donate anything to assist in the cost, it is appreciated. If you, or someone you know, are affiliated with a company who installs security camera equipment and are willing to donate-even better.

It's time the Little Cards hit back. But their team isn't quite big enough....so I'm recruiting you. What position do you want to play? Sorry-spectator isn't available ;)

If you want to come check out the team to see what they are all about, you can also visit their 2nd annual cornhole tournament  in memory of Coach Hawk. Info here .

And you can get to know them a little better here .

Please donate what you can, even if its a bit of your time to make a phone call to people you may know who could help these boys,  their coaches and staff fight back.



  • Doug &Rhonda Mapes
    • $120 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Carson & Tara Mapes
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs


Tara Mapes
Cincinnati, OH

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