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Haine and Smith Opticians Fire Walk

Some brave volunteers from across our practices are going to putting their best feet forward and taking part in a charity Firewalk!

To help our current charity of the year, Alabaré, a few members of our team will be walking barefoot over red-hot wood embers measuring around 800 degrees to help end homelessness.

Tragically, 688 homeless people died across England and Wales last year. By taking part and fundraising for Alabaré and Homes for Veterans, we’ll be making a difference in the lives of others living specifically in North Wiltshire. Alabaré has recently opened a new home in Chippenham for people in a mental health crisis as an alternative to hospital admission, while Unity House in Chippenham provides up to 30-bed spaces for those seeking emergency accommodation or supported accommodation. All funds from this event will go to support Alabaré services in this area.


Haine And Smith Opticians
Alabare Christian Care Centres

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