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Joey's new Bike was Stolen!!!

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It seems that bike thefts have been on the rise in Oshawa. My friend Lynn has a 15 year old son who after saving his owning money and then with the help of his sister was able to buy a new bike. I applaude Joey for saving his money!! Bikes are not cheap especially for a 15 year old. After having the bike less than a month it was stolen even though it was locked up. This angered me as I have also experienced bike theft this year but they were not new bikes. I am hoping friends and family can open their hearts and share a small donation to replace Joey's bike. $5 donations will add up quickly. Let's show Joey that there are good people in this world and that saving up for something you desire is worth it!!! Thanking you in advance.


Kelly Wadsworth
Oshawa, ON

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